
beyond the horizon

Our clients want to effect change … turn problems into opportunities … expand their influence and protect their freedom to operate…

If you want to reach beyond the horizon…

It’s time to reach out.

About Us

josh gilder

Joshua Gilder has more than two-decades of experience in the US and abroad advising industries in the food, agriculture, high-tech, health, and defense sectors. He specializes in running high-value strategic communications campaigns involving complex issues at the intersection of science, law, regulation, and public acceptance.

From 1985 to 1988, Mr. Gilder served in the White House as a senior speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan. During that time he co-authored two State of the Union addresses, contributed to many of the President’s televised speeches from the Oval Office, and wrote Mr. Reagan’s highly-regarded address to the students at Moscow State University during the 1988 Summit.

In 1989, President George Bush appointed Mr. Gilder to be the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Rights at the State Department. He was deeply engaged in Eastern Europe before the fall of the Berlin Wall and had the key responsibility at DOS for the annual US Human Rights Report.

Mr. Gilder began his career as a working journalist, critic and columnist and was the Associate Editor of the national news magazine Saturday Review before entering politics. He is the author of the novel Ghost Image (Simon & Schuster 2002) and co-author with his wife, Anne-Lee Gilder, of the historical investigation, Heavenly Intrigue: Johannes Kepler, Tycho Brahe, and the Murder Behind one of History’s Greatest Scientific Discoveries. (Doubleday 2004).


Anneke Green


Anneke Green

Anneke E. Green has written extensively under her own byline and for principals at the highest levels of government and political leadership.

As a member of President George W. Bush’s speechwriting team, she worked on State of the Union addresses, Iraq & Afghanistan operations updates, and domestic policy speeches like Head Start, environmental initiatives, and Medicare & Social Security reform.

At Regnery Publishing, she edited books by top leaders of the conservative movement. As Assistant Editorial Page Editor, then Deputy Editor, Op-Eds at The Washington Times, she wrote editorials on politics and culture and oversaw the op-ed pages of the Commentary section.

She began her career working for Senator Mitch McConnell, first in his personal office, then as an assistant in his Majority Whip operation.

She is a contributor to BBC News and RealClearPolitics.

Anna Wellisz

Anna Wellisz taught literature, persuasive writing, and business communications at UC Berkeley, DeVry University, and the Keller Graduate School of Management. Her pieces appeared in Glaukopis, Annals Australasia, and the Wall Street Journal. She is also a contributor to SFPPR News & Analysis of the Online-Conservative-Journalism Center at the Washington-based Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research.

As a management consultant at a London-based firm, Anna advised major western companies on opportunities and optimal market entry strategy in East-Central Europe at a time of rapid economic and political change, in a high-risk environment.

As a veteran strategist, she helped top diplomats, lawyers, and business executives devising and implementing communications strategies, preparing oral arguments, writing speeches, articles, and research papers to shape — and reshape — high stakes debates.